Who We Are
The Soldier Canyon Water Treatment Authority (SCWTA) owns and operates the Soldier Canyon Filter Plant, which is a 68 million gallon per day (MGD) conventional water treatment plant located in Fort Collins, CO. Since 1961, the Authority* has provided high quality, reliable, safe, and affordable drinking water to over 145,000 people living in three water districts and adjacent communities in the Northern Colorado region. The three water districts (Tri-Districts) are:
- East Larimer County (ELCO) Water District,
- Fort Collins-Loveland Water District, and
- North Weld County Water District.
Through the SCWTA Board, the Tri-Districts are the owners of the Soldier Canyon Filter Plant and comprise the members of the SCWTA Board. A map of the 3 water districts can be found here.
Our Mission
The Authority delivers the highest quality treated water to its customers in a professional, efficient, ethical, and fiscally responsible manner, while following policies established by the Board.
*Prior to 2017 the Authority was organized as the Soldier Canyon Filter Plant Committee.